Minggu, 24 Desember 2017

Recepten passen oma 117 jaar: hard werken en het vermijden van varkensvlees en kip

jual trulum

Recepten passen oma 117 jaar: hard werken en het vermijden van varkensvlees en kip


Kingston (Jamaica), oma is reeds de leeftijd van 117 jaar. Het lange geheim gerelateerde haar leeftijd, de oude vrouw had sommige eigenaardigheden, zoals het vermijden het eten van varkensvlees en kip. Bovendien, de grootmoeder vernoemd Violet Brown mossen nog andere recepten dat maakte hem blijven in vorm tijdens de schemering. Volgens Violet maakt het andere geheim hem gelukkig leven de dagen in haar leven is hard werken, het respect van de familie en anderen, evenals diensten via religie dat hij gelooft. In dit geval voor de Violet is een bediening in de kerk. Zeven jaar geleden, in een interview met jamaica-gleaner.com Violet vertrouwd aangeklampt Tante V ook sprak, haar eet alles met uitzondering van kip en varkensvlees. Daarnaast hij ook wegblijven van alcoholhoudende dranken. Op dat moment, hij nog in 110 jaar toen, niet het Tante V zelfs haar leeftijd zo oud als dat gevoel. De vrouw die werd geboren op 4 maart het 1900 zelfs zijn geheugen nog scherp. Hij zich kan herinneren wanneer moeten duidelijk lopen bijna 5 km barefoot water halen. Leven gebruikt heel moeilijk. Hij moest hard werken om de economie van de familie te helpen. Hij dan vergelijkt zijn leven gebruikt te worden met het leven van jonge mensen vandaag. Mensen nu zijn leven is goed. Er is een waterpijp, er zijn taxi's en bussen die gaan dragen waar ze willen. Alles van waardoor het handig, "zei tante V, die woonde op Duanvale, Trelawny, Jamaica. Lees ook: monniken in India deze onthult de geheimen van een lang leven: verblijf weg van Yoga en Spice rempahNamun waar gezegde gaat, het beste strijkijzer is gesmeed met warmte. Een moeilijk leven gemaakt van Tante V groeit uit tot een krachtige cijfers. Ondanks wonen in een economie die is ook niet heeft goed, maar hij niet verloren een zorgzame buur. In zijn ouderdom, kon tante V nog vastgrijpen van zijn slaapkamer. Maar nu de kinderen en zijn kleinzoon niet te laten de grootmoeder doet te veel huiswerk. Nu is hij veel meer leest en ook af en toe het lezen van poëzie, luisteren naar muziek. Zelfs bijdragen aan de kerk deed ze nog. Tante V momenteel touted als de oudste menselijke recordhouder in de wereld vandaag. Tante V zijn al oudste man na de vorige recordhouder, Emma Morano, die werd geboren op 29 November 1889 stierf op de leeftijd van 117 jaar enige tijd geleden. De Minister-president van Jamaica, Andrew Holness, gaf zijn felicitaties over de record door Tante v.'s werelds oudste Man gehouden is de één Jamaica named Violet Brown, die werd geboren op 10 maart 1900. Gelukkig schrijven Violet, Holness op Twitter. Lees ook: 135 jaar oude, Oezbekistan deze vrouw beweerde te zijn's werelds oudste (vit/lll)

Kamis, 26 Oktober 2017

Gejala dan Pengobatan Fallopian Tubop yang Diblokir di Surat

Gejala dan Pengobatan Fallopian Tubop yang Diblokir di Surat

Tabung fallopi adalah dua tabung tipis, satu di setiap sisi rahim, yang membantu menuntun telur matang dari ovarium ke rahim. Bila terhalang mencegah telur bergerak ke dalam tabung, wanita tersebut memiliki tuba fallopi yang tersumbat. Hal itu bisa terjadi pada satu atau kedua sisi. Ini juga dikenal sebagai infertilitas faktor tuba, dan merupakan penyebab infertilitas pada 40% wanita tidak subur.

Apa Penyebab Tuba Fallopian yang Diblokir?

Penyebab paling umum tuba fallopi yang tersumbat adalah penyakit radang panggul (PID). PID adalah hasil dari penyakit menular seksual, namun tidak semua infeksi panggul terkait dengan PMS. Juga, meskipun PID sudah tidak ada lagi, riwayat PID atau infeksi pelvis meningkatkan risiko tabung tersumbat.

Penyebab potensial lain dari saluran tuba yang tersumbat:

 Saat ini atau riwayat infeksi PMS, khususnya Chlamydia atau Gonorrhea
 Riwayat infeksi rahim disebabkan oleh aborsi atau keguguran
 Sejarah usus buntu yang pecah
 Sejarah operasi perut
 Kehamilan ektopik sebelumnya
 Sebelum operasi yang melibatkan tuba falopi

Bagaimana tabung yang diblokir didiagnosis?

Tabung yang diblokir biasanya didiagnosis dengan x-ray khusus, disebut histerosalpingogram, atau HSG. Tes ini melibatkan penempatan pewarna melalui serviks, menggunakan tabung kecil. Setelah pewarna diberikan, dokter akan mengambil sinar x daerah panggul Anda. Spesialis kesuburan akan menjalani laparoskopi (atau operasi lubang kunci), sebuah prosedur yang dilakukan dengan anestesi umum, dengan mengatakan bahwa hal itu melibatkan pembuatan sayatan kecil di bawah umbilikus wanita (pusar) dan memasukkan perangkat pandang tipis untuk memeriksa saluran tuba, ovarium dan lapisan dalam rahim. Ini, katanya, adalah memastikan tabung tidak tersumbat.

Bagaimana tuba Fallopi yang terblokir menyebabkan ketidaksuburan?

Setiap bulan, saat ovulasi terjadi, sel telur dilepaskan dari salah satu ovarium. Telur bergerak dari ovarium, melalui tabung, dan masuk ke dalam rahim. Sperma juga perlu berenang dari serviks, melalui rahim, dan melalui tuba falopi untuk mendapatkan telur. Pemupukan biasanya terjadi saat telur berjalan melalui tabung.

Jika salah satu atau kedua tuba fallopi diblokir, telur tidak bisa mencapai rahim, dan sperma tidak bisa mencapai sel telur, mencegah pembuahan dan kehamilan.

Ada juga kemungkinan tabung tidak diblokir secara total, tapi hanya sebagian saja. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan risiko kehamilan tuba, atau kehamilan ektopik.

Apa itu Hydrosalpinx?

Tangki tuba tersumbat tertentu, hidrosalpinx adalah saat penyumbatan menyebabkan tabung melebar (bertambah diameter) dan diisi dengan cairan. Cairan tersebut menghalangi sel telur dan sperma, mencegah pembuahan dan kehamilan.

Bisakah Anda Hamil dengan Tube Fallopiian yang Diblokir?

Jika hanya satu tuba fallopi yang diblokir, tapi yang satunya jelas, kemungkinan masih bisa dicapai kehamilan. Itu tergantung seberapa baik fungsi ovarium, dan juga yang menyebabkan tabung tersumbat di tempat pertama.

Apa Gejala Tuba Fallopian yang Diblokir?

Tidak seperti anovulasi, di mana siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur mungkin mengisyaratkan adanya masalah, saluran tuba yang tersumbat jarang menimbulkan gejala. Tangki tuba tersumbat tertentu, disebut hydrosalpinx, dapat menyebabkan sakit perut bagian bawah dan keputihan yang tidak biasa, namun tidak setiap wanita akan memiliki gejala ini.

Namun, beberapa penyebab saluran tuba yang tersumbat bisa menyebabkan petunjuk adanya masalah. Misalnya, endometriosis dan penyakit radang panggul dapat menyebabkan menstruasi yang menyakitkan dan hubungan seksual yang menyakitkan. Tapi gejala ini tidak harus menunjuk pada tabung tersumbat.

Tes lain yang mungkin dipesan termasuk ultrasound, operasi laparoskopi eksploratori, atau histeroskopi (di mana mereka mengambil kamera tipis dan meletakkannya melalui serviks Anda, untuk melihat rahim Anda). Darah bekerja untuk memeriksa adanya antibodi Chlamydia (yang akan menyiratkan infeksi sebelumnya atau saat ini) juga dapat dipesan.

Apa Perawatan Potensial untuk Tabung yang Diblokir?

Jika Anda memiliki satu tabung terbuka, dan jika tidak sehat, Anda mungkin bisa hamil tanpa terlalu banyak membantu. Dokter Anda mungkin memberi Anda obat kesuburan untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan ovulasi di samping dengan tabung terbuka. Ini bukan pilihan, bagaimanapun, jika kedua tabung diblokir.

Dalam beberapa kasus, operasi laparoskopi dapat membuka tabung yang diblokir atau menghilangkan jaringan parut yang menyebabkan masalah. Sayangnya, perawatan ini tidak selalu berhasil. Kesempatan sukses tergantung pada berapa usia Anda (semakin muda, semakin baik), seberapa buruk dan dimana penyumbatannya, dan penyebab penyumbatan.

Jika hanya beberapa adhesi antara tabung dan ovarium, maka kemungkinan Anda hamil setelah operasi itu baik. Jika Anda memiliki tabung tersumbat yang dinyatakan sehat, Anda memiliki kesempatan 20% sampai 40% untuk hamil setelah operasi.

Tapi jika tebal, beberapa adhesi dan ketakutan ada di antara tabung dan ovarium Anda, atau jika Anda telah didiagnosis dengan hydrosalpinx, operasi mungkin bukan pilihan yang tepat untuk Anda. Juga, jika ada masalah infertilitas pria, Anda mungkin ingin melewatkan operasi. Dalam kasus ini, perawatan IVF adalah taruhan terbaik Anda.

Yang juga perlu diperhatikan adalah bahwa risiko kehamilan ektopik Anda lebih tinggi setelah operasi untuk mengobati penyumbatan tuba. Dokter kesuburan Anda harus memantau Anda dengan seksama, jika Anda hamil.

Jangan menunggu terlalu lama untuk memulai sebuah keluarga - itu adalah pesan dari Konsultan Obstetrician, Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist hari ini.

Mulailah menciptakan keluarga Anda dengan menghubungi Rupal Hospital for Women dan Ketahui hari ini tentang pilihan Anda untuk memiliki bayi dengan menggunakan teknologi reproduksi bayi dan bantuan. Anda dapat menghubungi spesialis fertilitas dan IVF kami di atau atau hubungi + 91-2612599128 atau email di

Kamis, 21 September 2017

Jugar bádminton regularmente hacer esta chica abajo peso 6 Kg, Lho

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Jugar bádminton regularmente hacer esta chica abajo peso 6 Kg, Lho

Ataque-Masihlah incluye el desarrollo, muchos adolescentes que aun no ponen atención al plan de nutrición equilibrado en nuestro consumo diario de alimentos. Esto también ocurre en el Montana de Teti. Resultado de la ponderación, Teti continuamente se levanta para arriba a lo 61 kg. Aunque nunca para ser estoico, sobrepeso nunca hizo menos seguros. Él también comenzó a pensar en perder peso. Tratar de cambiar patrones alimenticios así como regularmente jugar bádminton, estudiante semestre 3 es un éxito, reducir su peso una cantidad de 6 kg. En su discurso detikHealth, el viernes (29/08/2014): este es mi 3er semestre estudiantes del grado diez en un campus en Banten. Mientras estaba sentado en el Banco en la escuela secundaria, no estaba demasiado preocupado por su peso. Todo tipo de alimentos en el cuerpo, incluso en un día puedo comer un plato de arroz hasta 5 veces. Mis días de preparatoria sin mucho pensar en aumentar mi peso se dispararon. Comencé a sentir menos confianza cuando entré a la Universidad semestre 1. Mis colegas han tenido un muy buen cuerpo y ropa que pueden usar lo que quieran. Desde entonces estoy ampliando a dieta. Primero llego a peso 61 kg. Con una altura de sólo 154 cm, peso como es definitivamente el menos ideal y me parece tan grande. El programa que yo no soy demasiada dificultad. Semestre de vacaciones todos, mi bádminton regular deportes cada mañana y cada tarde. Yo también ávidamente beber agua una cantidad de 2 litros diario. Yo también mantener una dieta con comer un poco de arroz así como ampliar los platos de lado. Dentro de 2 meses. Con éxito perder peso que estoy a 6 kg que son actualmente tan 55 kg. (ajg/up)


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Sabtu, 09 September 2017

Eet veel en vaak, waarom het gewicht van het lichaam Hard Ride?

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Eet veel en vaak, waarom het gewicht van het lichaam Hard Ride?


Jakarta, ik zou willen vragen, waarom eet ik veel en vaak mijn lichaamsgewicht maar geen rit-up? Wat ik snel laparnya. Wat is de intestinale wormen? Maar ik heb genomen de drug de worm geen invloed. Gelieve te verzenden me het recept zodat het duren het gewicht van mijn lichaam een ideale gewicht voordat kan. Ryan Charies (mannen single, 17 jaar oud) de bijl. XXXX @ gmail. comTinggi body 172 cm, gewicht 49 kg lichaam antwoorden Hallo Ryan, er zijn vele aspecten dat we ze opzoeken moeten om uw vragen te beantwoorden:-leeftijd ontwikkelingen plaatsvinden toevoegen calorie behoeften, middelen, voeding. Wijten aan het gewicht van het lichaam ontbreekt, de hersenen de noodzaak om te eten meer kan aannemen en was vaak zo snel honger. -Eet veel en vaak ook verdienen Opmerking type. Bepalen van vast voedsel, calorieën en voedingsstoffen dan een leeg eten voedingsstoffen (zoals chips, gefrituurd voedsel, gebak, snoep, siroop). Voedsel dat hoge calorieën en voedingsstoffen: koolhydraten: rijst (wit & rode), broodtarwe, haver, volkoren & barleyProtein: rood vlees zonder vet/huid, kip met geen huid/vet, vis, eieren, noten (pinda's, amandelen, walnoten en anderen), granen (kwaci zaden, zonnebloem, enz), melk (volle room/melk Enhancer lichaamsgewicht). Kompliti met groenten en fruit per dag vitaminen en mineralen te verstrekken. Zorg ervoor dat er elke maaltijd is een koolhydraat-eiwit, hoewel & gewoon voor snacking. Voorbeelden van snoepen: melk, yoghurt, kaas, een handvol noten, energie barObat worm is een vorm van preventie van intestinale wormen antwoord niet ooit voor sommige mensen die niet wonen in louche omgevingen, dus heel misschien net geen invloed omdat geen intestinale wormen. Aanbevolen door mijn dagelijkse Infundeer vertrouwen in mezelf te zeggen in je hart: ' Ik zou mijn lichaamsgewicht geven. Ik wil en gezond ' vooral voor het eten. Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster van voedings- en dieetleer (voeding Specialist) van de Universiteit van Sydney. Met een speciale interesse in het dieet programma voor oncologie, cardiologie, diabetes, gastro-intestinale en leven wijziging programma diëten. Volg twitter @Leona_victoria. (hrn/vit)


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Senin, 04 September 2017

Two Unique Customs ' Song-Song Couple ' that makes Them the more Healthy

Two Unique Customs ' Song-Song Couple ' that makes Them the more Healthy
Jakarta, in his roles at the glass screen or big screen, Song Joong Ki is never separated from the characters that are romantic and attentive. In the real world, Joong Ki did in fact known as a figure of the soft heart. First, he was fond of hugging. He even has a nickname ' Ero Joong Ki ' because of his penchant to hug people close to it. Biologically, this is triggered by the existence of a cuddle chemical response that occurs in the brain. But not many understood the laity is, cuddle can provide benefits to health. As quoted from Boldsky, Thursday (6/7/2017), when embraced, the brain releases dopamine which gives tranquillity and relaxes the nerves in your body. At the same time, the brain also released endorphins are known as loss of pain. For celebrities with dense schedules like Joong Ki, often cuddle also helps dampen the stress that had befallen him. In addition, cuddle yourself indeed can lower the levels of stress hormones or commonly called cortisol which negatively affect the immune system, so that the corresponding escape from a variety of ailments. Read also: Is He Healthy Benefits 4 Cuddle with spouse

Song Joong Ki cuddle with Song Hye Kyo drama in the Descendants of The Sun photo: dok. KBS

What about the candidate's wife, Song Hye Kyo? Offered from a variety of media, Hye Kyo is known to have high social psyche. He was involved in numerous charitable activities, although he did mostly silently. One of them when Hye Kyo becomes a volunteer at the shelter of wild dogs in Yeoju, in 2013. He and co-star in the drama the Wind Blows in the Winter, Im Se Mi invisible awkwardly while cleaning the shelter and take care of the dogs. Photographs of their time volunteering, complete with protective suits and masks were taking care of stray dogs, and then spread by a group of volunteers called ' KARA ' in an online forum. (Song Hye Kyo) is not only beautiful on the outside but also inside ... He worked hard to the end and do our best, even for clean-up, feeding, caring for, including disposing of their shit, write ' KARA ' as quoted from-http Allkpop.

Song Hye Kyo in the shelter dog Photos: internet

At the same site also included a photo of Hye Kyo while taking part in the effort of cleaning the beach incident spilling oil in the Taean Peninsula in December 2008. Read also: the arms of 20 seconds, Surefire Tips from Ridwan Kamil https://health.detik.com/read/2017/04/19/095052/3478250/766/ini-yang-dialami-tubuh-ketika-berpelukanTak to relieve stress just Hye Kyo, his fiancée, Joong Ki is also fond of contribute. Korea Foundation for Children with Leukemia in the year 2016 reported that the handsome actor has been routinely donate his earnings to the Foundation beginning in 2011. Not described exactly how the amount of donation Joong Ki because this man indeed ask it kept secret. According to the Foundation, thanks to the help of more than 10 children of cancer patients have undergone the surgery. Such as Korea Times reported.

Korea Foundation for Children with Leukemia in the year 2016 reported that Song Joong Ki has routinely donate his earnings to the Foundation beginning in 2011. Photo: internet

Soompi also preached the existence of uploads from netizen titled ' My Girlfriend Received a Present from Song Joong Ki ' in an online forum. In the uploads, netizen relates that her lover who was suffering from bowel cancer sent a gift to the actor. Then the netizen and a number of his colleagues tried to contact Joong Ki, who was then undergoing compulsory military service. Reportedly, after reading a letter from the fans, Joong Ki then contact agensinya and request they send you a DVD of the movie, ' A Werewolf Boy ' labelled his signature. Unfortunately, the lover of the netizen trigger died before the prize was up to his hands. However the netizen grateful for the attention the actor.

Joong Ki also rumored ever donate money of 100 million Won through UNICEF to help victims of natural disasters in Nepal Photos: internet

Joong Ki also rumored ever donate money of 100 million Won through UNICEF to help victims of natural disasters in Nepal, or precisely in the year 2015. Become a volunteer or volunteers or donate give the same effect as a positive for the mental health of a person, as both are a hobby for people who have empathy. Volunteering can make someone become more confident, expanding the social circle as well as increase the price himself. Volunteering also makes people become more active move which is also important for maintaining physical health, bright Faiza Tabassum from University of Southampton, United Kingdom who conduct studies about the benefits of volunteering. Read also: Handsome and likes sports, Song Joong Ki Fits So Fitness Goal (lll/up)
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Minggu, 03 September 2017

Colazione banana può abbassare rapidamente il peso corporeo

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Colazione banana può abbassare rapidamente il peso corporeo


A Jakarta, molti passi sono effettuati al fine di diminuire il peso del corpo. Ma se si desidera perdere peso corpo facilmente e veloce, una dieta di banane può essere uno tra una selezione di pas. Dieta della banana, anche conosciuto come la dieta della banana è stato progettato da qualcuno di mattina il primo farmacista tempo Sumiko Watanabe denominato origine del Giappone. Awalannya, suo marito Hitoshi Watanabe vuole aiuto per accelerare il metabolismo e perdere peso. Il nome della dieta della banana mattina deriva dalla quantità di dieta ora di colazione. Così si solo mangia una banana un numero di nulla mentre bere semplice acqua calda ora di colazione. Principio, dopo una colazione di banane al mattino, si poteva mangiare nulla tranne perdono gli alimenti ricchi di grassi o trans grasso pranzo, come pure la cena. Scritto sabato, Livestrong (13/11/2010), la banana è la fonte dell'amido resistente, che viene chiamato dal prodotto sideline conversione della maggior parte dei carboidrati così potere, che può forzare l'organismo a indossare grasso per mettere risorse, bukkan carboidrati. Le banane sono inoltre fonti ricche di nutrienti, che rischia di frenare il desiderio per consumo alimentare non è sano, perché è stato notevolmente più eccitato quando il requisito sarebbe sicuro il suo valore nutrizionale. Fibra e vitamina C è ad alto contenuto di banana può anche sostenere la perdita di peso del corpo rapidamente. Eccezione sono approfitta perdere peso corpo, la banana viene rivendicata anche utile per aumentare la fertilità degli uomini. Le banane sono vivono in clima tropicale umido con terreno umido e calore ha un sacco di contenuto di magnesio, vitamine A, B1, C e della proteina che è così necessaria agli uomini di aumentare e stimolare la produzione di sperma più. Alcune sostanze contenute nelle banane seguito rivendicato possono migliorare keseburuan. Contenuto di aminoacidi L-arginina e L-carnitina potrebbe aumentare la produzione di spermatozoi. Tuttavia, se si verificano duri movimenti intestinali (costipazione), buon soggiorno lontano facendo questa banana dieta, perché il contenuto di glucosio, saccarosio e fruttosio in banane potrebbe essere costipazione severa. (mer/ir)


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Sabtu, 02 September 2017

Perawatan Rambut dengan Amla & Manfaat Lain

Perawatan Rambut dengan Amla & Manfaat Lain

Amla, juga dikenal sebagai Gooseberry India adalah ramuan alami yang sangat baik yang digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk seperti - permen amla kering, amla pachak, dan amla powder, minyak, dan jus. Ini juga membantu dalam mengobati kerontokan rambut. Anda bisa menggunakan Amla sebagai jus gooseberry, minyak Amla atau bubuk Amla dan memanfaatkan manfaat dari sifat pengkondisian yang sangat baik. Singkatnya, Amla melembabkan dan menguatkan akar rambut, mencegah pengeringan kulit kepala. Manfaat Amla untuk rambut sebagai berikut:
Amla Juice untuk Perawatan Rambut
Anda juga bisa menggunakan jus gooseberry untuk memberi rambut Anda bersinar dan memantul. Ini adalah conditioner yang hebat untuk rambut kering dan keriting. Selain itu, dapat ditambahkan ke henna sebelum mengaplikasikan henna ke rambut Anda untuk melawan sifat pengeringan henna. Menambahkan jus Amla ke telur yang dipukul dengan baik, Anda bisa membersihkan kulit kepala yang bagus. Anda tidak hanya rambutnya yang mengkilap, halus, dan kusut bersamaan dengan kulit kepala yang bersih dan bergizi. Bergantian, asupan jus Amla setiap hari adalah cara terbaik untuk menguatkan rambut Anda, mencegah kerontokan rambut, dan perpecahan.
Amla Powder untuk Perawatan Rambut
Bubuk amla untuk rambut adalah perawatan alami yang menakjubkan. Buah kering dilumatkan untuk membentuk bedak. Saat amla digiling, mereka mengubahnya menjadi bentuk tepung. Bubuk ini digunakan untuk merangsang pertumbuhan rambut. Serbuk ini juga dikenal memainkan peran vital dalam menentukan warna rambut. Amla untuk rambut sering digunakan sebagai bahan penting dalam tonik yang direkomendasikan untuk merawat rambut rontok dan menguatkan akar rambut. Buah yang ada adalah rumah toko vitamin C yang diketahui bisa memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh kita. Mereka memainkan peran penting dalam mencegah rambut abu-abu yang belum menghasilkan.
Amla Oil untuk Perawatan Rambut
Minyak rambut amla secara tradisional digunakan untuk sejumlah manfaat. Menggunakan minyak rambut amla membantu mencegah uban prematur dari rambut dan rambut rontok. Selain itu, minyak rambut amla terkenal dengan penyembuhan berbagai kondisi rambut sambil memberi Anda rambut panjang dan berkilau. Minyak Amla merangsang folikel rambut untuk pertumbuhan rambut yang lebih baik, mencegah ketombe.
Amla juga disiapkan sebagai permen amla kering yang memiliki rasa manis ringan adalah sumber Vit C yang sangat baik, yang penting untuk membentuk kolagen, sejenis protein bermanfaat untuk menjaga kulit tetap sehat, menyembuhkan luka dan bekas luka sambil mempertahankan tulang dan gigi. . Permen amla manis dapat diberikan kepada anak-anak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh mereka akan vitamin C dan menjaga kesehatan dan kuatnya. Selain itu, kandungan antioksidan dalam permen amla ini membantu memerangi radikal bebas yang membuat Anda aman dari penyakit dan membangun ketahanan Anda untuk tetap terlindungi dari penyakit pernafasan seperti sesak napas, batuk, dingin, dan sakit tenggorokan, dll.

Jumat, 01 September 2017

Body weight of 10 Kg in 2 Th., Normalkah?

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Body weight of 10 Kg in 2 Th., Normalkah?


Jakarta, Assalamualaikum. My name is Lia I someone young mother, have someone older 2 year old female. 5 bln ... So my question in the age of my children much for her body weight is 10 kg only, is it normal or masihlah under the standard? Sometimes I am anxious, said that midwives because aspects of the descendants of his son's so small because his father was also small. My everyday life even in the Office and just occasionally I ask the child what have been eating yet to his grandmother. So my question is, with much for a body weight of the age of 2 years old. more whether normal or not? Wassalam. Liamuttaquenz (female, 25) liakurnia664XXXXX @ yahoo. comTinggi 157 cm, weight 50 kgJawabanHalo Lia's mother, based on the growth charts for children aged 0-36 bln., now this body weight of the child's mother is there under the curve or under 5 percentile that gives an indication of less body weight. But, I have to look at the pattern of the curve of the body weight of the child's mother up until now. Until now in fact always below the curves yet still follow the direction of the curve, it means that this kind of thing is commonplace. When even the natural decrease in the curve together, always on standby in less BB as well as malnourished. Read also: do not be anxious, Babies spit up Commonplace Long does it weigh BertambahNah's just the mother who knows how that curve pattern. Should each time brought immunization as well as meticulous doctor weighed then marked on the curve semasing the child to look the pattern. When in fact the natural decline, deserves to be questioned: he ate what? How often? How do the conditions and circumstances of eating? Drink a lot of milk or less? Please when you want to consult further. Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Nutrition Specialist) from the University of Sydney. With a special interest in the diet program for oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Family Nutrition Clinic caregivers http://www. klinikgizi. information/. Follow twitter @Leona_victoria. (hrn/vit)

Sabtu, 19 Agustus 2017

Give the weight of the body Make the Skinny



Give the weight of the body Make the Skinny


Jakarta, Usually every man want a slim body, but when the body is extremely thin can also cause partial effects for health. But there are ways that can be undertaken to increase the weight of the body with healthy ways. The origin of the idea, the very skinny body leaning has a weak body immune system until the cartilage on the infection, surgical complications and disease recovery time is longer. But this situation can be avoided by adding the weight of the body with healthy ways to have a maximum body, one of them wearing a sign of body mass index (BMI/body mass index). One who has a BMI of less than 18 means have normal body weight, BMI under 18, 5-24, 9 means a normal body weight, have a BMI 25-29, 9 means having excessive body weight and BMI of 30 means more natural growing obesity. There are various aspects that could result in a lean stature:


Have a fast metabolic rate

The impact of genetic aspects

The personality as well as the surrounding environment

And some specific circumstances can affect metabolic rate work or benefits of specific hormones.


For people who have a BMI or skinny body under normal, there are healthy ways to a workable to add the weight of the body, such as taken from MedicineNet. com, Wednesday (2/3/2011) namely:


The consumption of foods that contain calories, vitamins and minerals.

Consumption of foods with a balance of pas, the recommended ratio i.e. 60-70% 10-15% carbohydrates, protein and some fat little.

Restrict consume water or liquid 1/2 hours before and after meals, because if many drink before a meal would make the stomach feel full until your appetite shrinks.

The consumption of juice such as apples, peaches, oranges or bananas to increase calorie consumption

The consumption of some sources of good fats that come from foods such as nuts, avocados, olive oil and fatty fish (salmon and mackerel)

Take some snacks in between when eating such as yogurt or fruit-dried fruit

With regular milk consumption, because not only has the calories but also the other main nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals, and contain healthy bacteria that can help the digestive system.

Because with regular exercise would make a body remains fit and energetic. This can help improve the State of the muscles of the body lean so much form, and increase appetite.

Always positive minded, inasmuch as the mind can affect eating patterns as well as the digestive system.

Obtained at rest and sleep 7-8 with regular hours.


Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

Bagaimana Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Selama 1 Minggu

Bagaimana Cara Menurunkan Berat Badan Selama 1 Minggu

Apakah Anda ingin terlihat sepuluh tahun lebih muda?

Berikut adalah dua belas tips kecantikan yang dijamin bisa bekerja, jika Anda mengikuti mereka * semua *. Tidak ada gunanya mengonsumsi buah dan sayuran segar, lalu merokok seperti cerobong asap!

 1. Moisturise.

 Ini adalah keliru, Anda sebenarnya tidak bisa memasukkan air ke kulit Anda. Anda bisa, bagaimanapun, mengoleskannya (seperti kulit!), Dan menjebak air di sebelah kulit.

 Setelah setiap mencuci, masukkan minyak inert ke wajah Anda. Johnson's Baby Oil itu bagus. Taruh terutama pada tawa Anda (di sekitar mata), dahi Anda, di sekitar mulut dan di leher.

 Anda tidak perlu salep mahal; Studi independen menunjukkan bahwa ini adalah kon.

 2. Makan Makanan yang Baik.

 Makanlah banyak buah, ikan dan sayuran, minum air putih. Diet sehat membuat tubuh menjadi sehat, dan kesehatan membuat Anda terlihat lebih muda.

 3. Tidur.


 Setidaknya delapan jam. Kip malam yang baik akan membuat Anda terlihat bertahun-tahun lebih muda.

 Pergilah tidur sebelum tengah malam, sedini mungkin. Anda sudah cukup saat Anda keluar dari tempat tidur di pagi hari, penuh energi. Jika tidak, Anda memerlukan lebih banyak, atau Anda depresi, atau Anda tidur setelah tengah malam.

 Kurang tidur sangat menua. Jika Anda tidak cukup tidur Anda terlihat kurus pada saat tua. Kurang tidur sama dengan zombie; IQ Anda kurang, memori lebih miskin, dan reaksi Anda lebih lambat. Anda menjadi lebih rentan terhadap penyakit.

 4. Jangan Merokok.

 Merokok menyempitkan kapiler di wajah Anda. Inilah sebabnya mengapa perokok terlihat pucat. Ini usia kulit. Itu membuat rambutmu bersih.

 Seorang perokok pada dasarnya adalah orang yang selalu sakit parah; Lemahnya sistem kekebalan tubuh, kurang energi, kurang stamina. Pada saat merokok bisa menyebabkan penyakit serius. Ini menghemat waktu pemulihan dari penyakit lain. Dokter cenderung menghapuskan perokok; Mereka tahu pekerjaan mereka terbuang sia-sia.

 Rokok mengandung racun seperti formaldehida, amonia, arsenik, dan benzena. Alasan orang mendambakan mereka adalah karena mereka juga mengandung nikotin, yang lebih adiktif dibanding heroin. Anda bisa menendang heroin dalam lima hari; Nikotin bisa memakan waktu berminggu-minggu

 5. Jangan Minum Alkohol.

 Sekali lagi, alkohol adalah racun. Kemabukan adalah bentuk keracunan ringan; Maka nama alternatifnya: intoksikasi.

 Saya pernah mengenal beberapa gadis Australia ketika saya pertama kali datang ke London. Mereka biasa 'party hearty'. Salah satunya sangat cantik. Setelah 6 bulan dia tampak seperti berusia lima belas tahun; 20 terjadi di 35.

 Ketika saya masih sangat muda saya biasa bertanya-tanya mengapa orang dewasa terlihat begitu tua, lelah dan muak. Tentu hidup memiliki kekecewaan, tapi kami membantu kematian menandai kartu kami sejak dini.

 6. Jangan berjemur.

 Pada masa neolitik manusia biasa menyembuhkan kulit binatang dengan cara mengeksposnya ke matahari. Ini adalah bentuk penyamakan yang paling awal; Mereka membuat kulit

 Inilah yang terjadi pada kulit sunbather. Itu sebabnya sunbather berusia 35 tahun terlihat berusia 45, dan 45 tahun kulit berjemur memiliki tekstur kursi berlengan kulit.

 Duduk di bawah sinar matahari berjam-jam sangat lemah. Lihatlah keindahan yang indah, yang lebih tua. Mereka terlindungi dari matahari; Kulit mereka berwarna putih susu. Anda tidak melihat saudara perempuan mereka di majalah, yang, untuk kesehatan musim yang sehat, mengorbankan penampilan mereka selamanya.

Rabu, 15 Maret 2017

Here's food consumption Skin Aging

Here's food consumption Skin Aging

 Youthful skin is the dream of every person. Although age continues to grow, but there are ways you can do to keep skin young one to see them is by eating the following foods as reported by the BNT News below. Wednesday (22/02/2017).

Also Read

Food Ingredients that Make Skin Shiny in 2017
9 Nutrition Can Make You Healthier Skin
Want to Have Radiant Skin? 6 Consumption of this food type

Broccoli is healthy food that is high in vitamin C and can serve as an anti-cancer. These vegetables are also a good discussion is consumed to overcome the flu and vitamin C content higher than the lemon makes this vegetable will be very good for maintaining healthy skin to stay young.


Tomato fruit contains vitamin H which can provide a soothing effect on the skin and is very good for your sensitive skin.

Citron lemon or grapefruit are rich in vitamin C, which has a high antioxidant and very effective way to fend off the signs of aging on the skin.

Fat milk in yogurt provide moisture to the skin surface of dead skin to soothe and soften the skin texture. If you eat yogurt setcara routine, a healthy body can help your bowel movements.

sea ​​vegetables

The human body requires 30 types of minerals. Sea vegetables such as kelp is a very good food to keep them healthy because they contain important minerals for the human body. Sea vegetables are also commonly used to prevent cancer, constipation and obesity, and inhibits the activity of harmful oxygen so the skin is always youthful.
(Ine Yulita Sari)


Selasa, 14 Maret 2017

Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life- 5 Tips

Don't Let Anxiety Control Your Life- 5 Tips

Mild anxiety over situations that happen regularly is part of life. However, if anxiety takes over all aspects of life, you have to learn how to control it. The helpful information presented here can assist you to deal with anxiety and get rid of it.

Tell someone that you trust your fears and worries in exaggerated tones. After telling them the story more and more and hearing how silly you sound when you say it, you might be able to visualize your true fear from a new perspective.

When you're getting up from bed in the morning, say some positive messages to yourself out loud.Talk about your plan for the day and what you want to do that day.

Self discipline is yet another way to get a hold of your emotions. When you make an effort to control emotions, you are sure to have a better handle on anxiety as well. Negative feelings only make you experience.

People who suffer from high anxiety will often crave salt. This happens because your body is craving salt and it wants you to consume it. Raw, unprocessed salt is the best type of salt to consume, as it contains minerals the body needs and the body can digest it easily.

Consider amino acids therapy before assuming that anxiety medications are your anxious feelings. Several people find that they are not getting the level of nutrients and their body produces less serotonin.

A healthy diet that is balanced contains all the vitamins and nutrients your body desperately needs to stay healthy.

Start writing things down on a daily journal or diary. Some people have stressful thoughts to accumulate in their heads with no outlet. When you have a place to put your thoughts, into a journal or diary, as opposed to dwelling on future or past events that could trigger anxiety.

Do not sit down during the day. If you are sitting at work, take breaks that incorporate moving around or minor exercises. When you are not at work, try remaining active, and avoid sedentary activities. While you require rest and relaxing time, too much of it can lead to an increase in the amount of anxiety you feel.

Make this part of your writing a nightly routine if need be.

A lot of people that have stress and anxiety might need to just relax. Take time each day. If you make a habit of getting even 20 minutes of daily relaxation time, you will notice your anxiety levels decrease over time.

Write a detailed list of the events and situations that produce stressful feelings. Focus on the changes you can make,

Make a habit of staying present in the moment or focusing on today. A horrible habit formed by those who suffer from anxiety is that they focus on the past issues or future problems. Reduce anxiety by focusing on what you're currently doing and suspending other thoughts.

It might seem funny, but doing silly things, like dancing around the house, can distract your thoughts. Distracting your thoughts is great when suffering through a panic attack. Do anything necessary and whatever you are able to do in your present surroundings.

Schedule time each day when you can think about your worries and doubts. Rigidly tell yourself throughout the day that you cannot focus on these things before the allotted time. Set aside an hour for these things. Once you are at the end of this time, return to the practice of shutting the thoughts out of your mind. This structured approach can help you form better control.

Name all of your anxiety triggers.This can help you to identify triggers and you will be able to better deal with them when they pop up in your triggers so that you can be conscious of your decisions when you have to deal with them.

Although external stimuli cause the majority of anxiety, some people are more apt to becoming anxious than others. If genetics play a role in your feelings, then you might want to schedule a talk with your physician to determine if medicine can help.

A lot of piping hot tea is a time-trusted way to cope with anxiety. This can be a great relaxation technique, but it is important that you seek medical advice too. If you feel that your anxiety is not leaving due to time, it is important to follow up with a doctor if you are ever to get better.

Make sure to get eight hours of sleep every night. Not getting enough sleep can overly enhance the anxious feelings worse than they would have been.Your tired body will be deeply affected by insufficient sleep. Try sleeping for 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night.

Anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing, but when stress gets overwhelming, it becomes more problematic.

Find ways to distract yourself from your anxious feelings. The greatest way to combat anxiety is to stop thinking about it.

A lot of people realize exercise is helpful in lowing anxiety levels, but they aren't aware of the best type for them. If you're not sure where to begin, some of the simplest methods of exercise include running, jogging or running as it needs minimal equipment.

Although taking an extended vacation may not be possible, nearly everyone has an off day weekly.During your time off, move out of your everyday routine and try something relaxing, camping, or hiking in nature.

Find a local group that will help you cope with anxiety and work out your issues within this group.

Avoid anyone who is negative in your anxiety if you feel an attack coming on. Surround yourself with optimistic friends in order to have a positive optimists who engender your own good feelings.

As was stated already, anxiety can be a part of everyone's life every day. If anxiety is making it hard for you to focus on or accomplish other things, though, then it's time to make a change. The ideas presented in the preceding paragraphs will empower you to accomplish this.

How To Treat Acne Now And Forever

How To Treat Acne Now And Forever

Acne is not a problem that just bothers the skin on your face, not just the face. The information included in this article may help you with finding the correct method to aid your acne.

Tea tree oils can help you control your problem skin. Tea tree oil provides a non-trying way to eliminate oil from backing up in your acne without drying skin.

Resist temptation! Avoid picking at and pop zits. Try a cream to treat them as an alternative. Picking at your pimples makes it more likely that infection and skin infections. The uneven discolorations that often result from picking at acne can also permanently discolor the skin.

Extreme changes in the temperature can cause acne breakouts you have. You tend to sweat more when it gets really warm. Sweating can clog the pores and could cause significant irritation. This can result in an acne breakout. Cold weather can also dry skin. Neither one of these effects are desirable.

The herbs found in chamomile tea are great for acne.

Are you aware that frequently using your cell phone can result in pimples? Cell phones can transfer oil from your face and hair and then puts it back on your face. You can avoid this by wiping your phone with an alcohol-dampened cotton ball to keep it free from these oils.

Products containing salicylic acid are an effective treat for acne. This ingredient accompanied with other hydroxyl acids help the skin shed skin cells much faster.

If you are sweating, clean your face often. If you cannot clean your face easily when you are not at home, take wipes with you. This way you can remove impurities and easy wash away bacteria. It isn't necessary to use a new cleanser every morning rather than using wipes.

Sometimes it is difficult not to scratch your face or pick at it, but your hands contain oils and dirt that can transfer to your face. The dirt becomes trapped in the pores causing inflammation ensues.

Do you sometimes get the feeling that your acne will be with you have to deal with? Stress hormones can further create irritation.

Blemish sticks are a good way to conceal marks on your face.This product is easy to use and allows for precise covering of the spots that you need hidden. Blemish sticks do not as heavy as concealer; they will let your skin breathe.

Your skin's pores can become clogged if you use too much oil-based makeup. Acne problems can result from the application of oil-based makeup. They will often contain synthetic ingredients that can cause breakouts.

Make sure you stay hydrated daily by drinking plenty of water. The rule is you should drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water daily. These can clog your pores which will cause more acne.

Only put natural skin products if you have acne. Many products have chemicals in them that can cause your skin to become irritated. The strong chemicals in skin products can remove essential oils from your skin.

Dress weather and try to wear clothing made from natural fibers. Not only can synthetic fabrics trap sweat next to the skin during hot, wet weather, which makes acne worse.If you wear lightweight clothing on hot days, take measures to protect your face and body with appropriate and breathable clothing.

Don't touch the areas that are affected by acne!Try to become aware of your face too much.

Excessive and prolonged exposure can worsen an acne problem. The UV light emitted by sunbeds has the same undesirable effects on acne. Tanning by any means is just a bad thing to do when you are experiencing acne trouble.

It is often said that stress aggravates your acne condition.

Exercise is a major component to healthy skin and reducing the reduction of acne. Exercise boosts circulation of the blood, reducing toxins and helping to get oxygen and nutrients throughout your body. You need exercise if you want to achieve total body healthy and able to fight off acne. It also helps to relieve stress, and stress is known to cause acne.

Acne is a condition that can affect the skin anywhere on your body. By reviewing the information provided here, you will be able to utilize the correct treatment to get rid of it. If you continue to treat the problem, it may fade away completely in time.

Jumat, 13 Januari 2017

Eggplant, anticancer sb1m Drugs are recognized as Powerful

smart detox

Eggplant, anticancer sb1m Drugs are recognized as Powerful

Another food that is easily obtainable and cheap prices, but so much and drank to my health. Eggplant is a food rich in nutrients which can lower blood Cholesterol, anticancer substances contain, as a means of contraception, and admittedly increase the libido. Eggplant (Solanum melongena l.) is native to the tropical areas suspected to come from Asia, especially India and Burma.


From that location, the Eggplant and then spread to China in the 5th.  From China after it was disseminated to the Caribbean, Central Africa, East Africa, West Africa, South America, as well as other areas. After that the Eggplant spread also to the subtropical countries, such as Spain, as well as other countries in the European location. Because the area is so widely spread, the term for the Eggplant so diverse kinds, namely, eggplant, melongene, aubergine, gardenegg, eierplant, or eirefruch. Type Eggplant Eggplant is one of the preferred fruit vegetable type of diverse groups.


Eggplant plants including one kindred with the plant Solanum torvum (Solanum torvum), Solanum torvum (Solanum nigrum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), as well as the potato (Solanum tuberosum). Eggplant can grow well at altitudes of up to 1. 200 mtr. above sea level.  Eggplant flower flowers Pansy is androgynous, IE. In one of the flower there is a male genitalia (stamens) and female genitalia (pistil). Eggplant flowers have a similar star shape, blue or violet, bright to dark. Pollination could walk with the cross or menyerbuk own way. The fruit of Eggplant is a fruit, fleshy single true not the thin, tender, and juicy. Fruit depends on the fruit stalk. In one stalk usually there is one fruit of the eggplant, but had increasingly more one fruit.


There are seeds in large quantities and spread in the flesh of the fruit. Leaf petals stuck to the basic fruit, colored green or purplish.   Eggplant fruits are so various, shape, size, or color of skin, depending on the varietasnya. From the shape of the fruit, there is a round, round-long and 1/2 round. The size of the fruit varied from small, middle, and large. Various fruit skin color from purple, whitish green, purplish, white, white and black or dark purple. In the fruit are seeds in large quantities, in the form of flat, light brown. Seed that is a reproduction or duplication tool plant by means of generative.  Types of common commercial use namely Eggplant Eggplant Sparrow, eggplant, Eggplant craigi kopek, eggplant, eggplant, Eggplant and the Japanese Government. Sparrow usually make Eggplant lalab, until Eggplant is often also described as lalab. The fruit is a small round purple or purplish white, their texture, crisp, bitter but not unpleasant rasa-rasanya. Eggplant kopek have long rounded fruit shape, blunt ends, straight side, purple, green, purplish, or light green.


Rasa-rasanya a bit sweet and the structure of the fruit's flesh is soft. Eggplant fruit has a rounded form craigi length (straight or bent), purple or mauve, and tapered ends. Eggplant field in the form of round length, the colour is green-striped White, rasa-rasanya sweet but a bit acidic. Eggplant bogor had a fruit in the form of large round, until the Eggplant is also known as the coconut. The colour is white or whitish-green structure, crisp, slightly sweet and rasa-rasanya somewhat tart (either a chelate). With the exception of local varieties in Indonesia, many also grown Eggplant varieties introduction, i.e. coming from abroad. Varieties introduction the most known namely Japanese eggplant. Japanese Eggplant has a variety of forms, i.e. cylindrical, oval, oval or round, and skin color is purple to dark purple shiny. Japanese Eggplant varieties are so known i.e. moneymaker 2 and black shine.  Currently in Indonesia many cultivated varieties of Eggplant hybrid. Advantages of hybrid varieties, namely its high, their texture is crisp and tender, tasty rasa-rasanya, and has a high resistance in pests and diseases of plants.


Examples of hybrid varieties: farmers long and extra long (Taiwan origin); early bird, black dragon, vista, long tom, as well as money maker 2 (origin of Japan). Avoid hipertensiKomposisi Eggplant nutrition so various, depending on the varieties, planting, place and time of fruit harvest age. Although the third type of vegetable that is a close relative, the composition of its nutrition value a little bit is not the same. Takokak and Solanum torvum has power content, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C are higher than the eggplant. Excess potassium content contained on Eggplant (potassium), i.e. around 217 mg/100 g, and the content of sodium (sodium) are so low, that is 3 mg/100 g. high potassium content and low sodium so lot more profitable for health, especially in preventing the disease of hypertension.


Beyond that, the Eggplant has a fiber content of food in a number of rather a lot, i.e. 2, 5 g/100 g, to the good for the maintenance of the digestive tract. Vitamins are quite prominent on Eggplant i.e. folic acid, with 19 micrograms per 100 grams of material. Judging from the economic side, the Eggplant has a value higher than takokak plus as well as Solanum torvum. Processed form of the Eggplant is also more diverse, more endeared to the people at large.  Just MitosAnjuran if one man's good is not the consumption of fruits, Eggplant could lower the libido that is mere myth. That myth arose because associate sexual organs of a man with the soft texture of the Eggplant and lackluster due to the cooking system. That assumption though is not correct. So instead, in the fruit of Eggplant are some of the main substances that even useful to health, including in the matter of sex.  Traditionally, Eggplant plants used as medicine to cure swollen gums, inflammation in the mouth, hemorrhoids, ulcers in the nose, fractured bones, pelancar of urine, as well as fever. It masihlah practiced in some areas until now.


The Eggplant skin contain many flavonoids and other anti-oxidants, which can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. The Eggplant also contain compounds that others can lower the Cholesterol content. A research Guinea pig show wear if the granting of Eggplant juice lowers Cholesterol and can make improvements in blood flow rate. Eggplant fruit also contain klorogenat acid compounds (chlorogenic acid), which is one type of anti-oxidants, which are based on some research results have a flurry of anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and as well as have the power to lower the Cholesterol content of LDL (Cholesterol is evil). The Eggplant was also in the know contain trypsin inhibitors, namely the one component that is recognized can help neutralize cells cause cancer. Some type such as eggplant, Solanum khasianum, Solanum laciniatum, as well as Solanum grandiflorum, in the know have shaped solasodin alkaloid compounds in high enough quantities, i.e. on 2, 0 to 3, 5%. Compounds that can be used as raw material for oral contraceptives, as a pill for the needs of the family planning program. @