Jumat, 01 September 2017

Body weight of 10 Kg in 2 Th., Normalkah?

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Body weight of 10 Kg in 2 Th., Normalkah?


Jakarta, Assalamualaikum. My name is Lia I someone young mother, have someone older 2 year old female. 5 bln ... So my question in the age of my children much for her body weight is 10 kg only, is it normal or masihlah under the standard? Sometimes I am anxious, said that midwives because aspects of the descendants of his son's so small because his father was also small. My everyday life even in the Office and just occasionally I ask the child what have been eating yet to his grandmother. So my question is, with much for a body weight of the age of 2 years old. more whether normal or not? Wassalam. Liamuttaquenz (female, 25) liakurnia664XXXXX @ yahoo. comTinggi 157 cm, weight 50 kgJawabanHalo Lia's mother, based on the growth charts for children aged 0-36 bln., now this body weight of the child's mother is there under the curve or under 5 percentile that gives an indication of less body weight. But, I have to look at the pattern of the curve of the body weight of the child's mother up until now. Until now in fact always below the curves yet still follow the direction of the curve, it means that this kind of thing is commonplace. When even the natural decrease in the curve together, always on standby in less BB as well as malnourished. Read also: do not be anxious, Babies spit up Commonplace Long does it weigh BertambahNah's just the mother who knows how that curve pattern. Should each time brought immunization as well as meticulous doctor weighed then marked on the curve semasing the child to look the pattern. When in fact the natural decline, deserves to be questioned: he ate what? How often? How do the conditions and circumstances of eating? Drink a lot of milk or less? Please when you want to consult further. Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Nutrition Specialist) from the University of Sydney. With a special interest in the diet program for oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Family Nutrition Clinic caregivers http://www. klinikgizi. information/. Follow twitter @Leona_victoria. (hrn/vit)

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