Eggplant, anticancer sb1m Drugs are recognized as Powerful
Another food that is easily obtainable and cheap prices, but so much and drank to my health. Eggplant is a food rich in nutrients which can lower blood Cholesterol, anticancer substances contain, as a means of contraception, and admittedly increase the libido. Eggplant (Solanum melongena l.) is native to the tropical areas suspected to come from Asia, especially India and Burma.
From that location, the Eggplant and then spread to China in the 5th. From China after it was disseminated to the Caribbean, Central Africa, East Africa, West Africa, South America, as well as other areas. After that the Eggplant spread also to the subtropical countries, such as Spain, as well as other countries in the European location. Because the area is so widely spread, the term for the Eggplant so diverse kinds, namely, eggplant, melongene, aubergine, gardenegg, eierplant, or eirefruch. Type Eggplant Eggplant is one of the preferred fruit vegetable type of diverse groups.
Eggplant plants including one kindred with the plant Solanum torvum (Solanum torvum), Solanum torvum (Solanum nigrum), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), as well as the potato (Solanum tuberosum). Eggplant can grow well at altitudes of up to 1. 200 mtr. above sea level. Eggplant flower flowers Pansy is androgynous, IE. In one of the flower there is a male genitalia (stamens) and female genitalia (pistil). Eggplant flowers have a similar star shape, blue or violet, bright to dark. Pollination could walk with the cross or menyerbuk own way. The fruit of Eggplant is a fruit, fleshy single true not the thin, tender, and juicy. Fruit depends on the fruit stalk. In one stalk usually there is one fruit of the eggplant, but had increasingly more one fruit.
There are seeds in large quantities and spread in the flesh of the fruit. Leaf petals stuck to the basic fruit, colored green or purplish. Eggplant fruits are so various, shape, size, or color of skin, depending on the varietasnya. From the shape of the fruit, there is a round, round-long and 1/2 round. The size of the fruit varied from small, middle, and large. Various fruit skin color from purple, whitish green, purplish, white, white and black or dark purple. In the fruit are seeds in large quantities, in the form of flat, light brown. Seed that is a reproduction or duplication tool plant by means of generative. Types of common commercial use namely Eggplant Eggplant Sparrow, eggplant, Eggplant craigi kopek, eggplant, eggplant, Eggplant and the Japanese Government. Sparrow usually make Eggplant lalab, until Eggplant is often also described as lalab. The fruit is a small round purple or purplish white, their texture, crisp, bitter but not unpleasant rasa-rasanya. Eggplant kopek have long rounded fruit shape, blunt ends, straight side, purple, green, purplish, or light green.
Rasa-rasanya a bit sweet and the structure of the fruit's flesh is soft. Eggplant fruit has a rounded form craigi length (straight or bent), purple or mauve, and tapered ends. Eggplant field in the form of round length, the colour is green-striped White, rasa-rasanya sweet but a bit acidic. Eggplant bogor had a fruit in the form of large round, until the Eggplant is also known as the coconut. The colour is white or whitish-green structure, crisp, slightly sweet and rasa-rasanya somewhat tart (either a chelate). With the exception of local varieties in Indonesia, many also grown Eggplant varieties introduction, i.e. coming from abroad. Varieties introduction the most known namely Japanese eggplant. Japanese Eggplant has a variety of forms, i.e. cylindrical, oval, oval or round, and skin color is purple to dark purple shiny. Japanese Eggplant varieties are so known i.e. moneymaker 2 and black shine. Currently in Indonesia many cultivated varieties of Eggplant hybrid. Advantages of hybrid varieties, namely its high, their texture is crisp and tender, tasty rasa-rasanya, and has a high resistance in pests and diseases of plants.
Examples of hybrid varieties: farmers long and extra long (Taiwan origin); early bird, black dragon, vista, long tom, as well as money maker 2 (origin of Japan). Avoid hipertensiKomposisi Eggplant nutrition so various, depending on the varieties, planting, place and time of fruit harvest age. Although the third type of vegetable that is a close relative, the composition of its nutrition value a little bit is not the same. Takokak and Solanum torvum has power content, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C are higher than the eggplant. Excess potassium content contained on Eggplant (potassium), i.e. around 217 mg/100 g, and the content of sodium (sodium) are so low, that is 3 mg/100 g. high potassium content and low sodium so lot more profitable for health, especially in preventing the disease of hypertension.
Beyond that, the Eggplant has a fiber content of food in a number of rather a lot, i.e. 2, 5 g/100 g, to the good for the maintenance of the digestive tract. Vitamins are quite prominent on Eggplant i.e. folic acid, with 19 micrograms per 100 grams of material. Judging from the economic side, the Eggplant has a value higher than takokak plus as well as Solanum torvum. Processed form of the Eggplant is also more diverse, more endeared to the people at large. Just MitosAnjuran if one man's good is not the consumption of fruits, Eggplant could lower the libido that is mere myth. That myth arose because associate sexual organs of a man with the soft texture of the Eggplant and lackluster due to the cooking system. That assumption though is not correct. So instead, in the fruit of Eggplant are some of the main substances that even useful to health, including in the matter of sex. Traditionally, Eggplant plants used as medicine to cure swollen gums, inflammation in the mouth, hemorrhoids, ulcers in the nose, fractured bones, pelancar of urine, as well as fever. It masihlah practiced in some areas until now.
The Eggplant skin contain many flavonoids and other anti-oxidants, which can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. The Eggplant also contain compounds that others can lower the Cholesterol content. A research Guinea pig show wear if the granting of Eggplant juice lowers Cholesterol and can make improvements in blood flow rate. Eggplant fruit also contain klorogenat acid compounds (chlorogenic acid), which is one type of anti-oxidants, which are based on some research results have a flurry of anticancer, antimicrobial, antiviral, and as well as have the power to lower the Cholesterol content of LDL (Cholesterol is evil). The Eggplant was also in the know contain trypsin inhibitors, namely the one component that is recognized can help neutralize cells cause cancer. Some type such as eggplant, Solanum khasianum, Solanum laciniatum, as well as Solanum grandiflorum, in the know have shaped solasodin alkaloid compounds in high enough quantities, i.e. on 2, 0 to 3, 5%. Compounds that can be used as raw material for oral contraceptives, as a pill for the needs of the family planning program. @